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November 23, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 23, 2004

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

Present: Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant, Chairman Colbert was absent.

SUBJECT: Ms. Pamela Fecteau from Local Government Center

HIGHLIGHTS:  Ms. Fecteau presented the Selectmen with information and a package explaining Workman’s Compensation.  It seems that the Town of Chichester may be able to save some money on the Health Insurance and Property Liability and Workman’s Compensation as a package.  Patty will do some research and present the Selectmen with comparison rates.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:   Lt. Robert Kitson advised the Board that Scott Corbett has graduated from the Police Academy and is now a full-time officer for the Town of Chichester.

Selectman MacCleery asked Lt. Kitson about a child in the patrol car.  Selectman MacCleery said that a resident told him he saw a child in the patrol car.  Lt. Kitson said he was aware of Sgt. Martell giving a person a ride when his car broke down, but other than that Lt. Kitson said he was unaware of a child being in the patrol car.  This issue brought up another question regarding insurance coverage for non-town employees.  Lt. Kitson asked if ride alongs were permitted in the squad car.  Also, Lt. Kitson stated that when someone is arrested he and the other officers seat-belt the person in, but sometimes the person is able to slip out of the seat belt, what is the liability for the Town should an accident occur. Deputy Chief Mike Paveligo stated that the ambulance drivers allow family members in the front of the ambulance when a family member is being taken to the hospital is this allowable? The Selectmen asked Patty to call the insurance company and get details on coverage.    

Lt. Kitson stated that Chief Clark wanted to purchase an AR-15 Rifle; the cost is between $700 and $800.  Currently the police department has three shot guns and two AR-15.  Chief Clark thinks that all patrol cars should have a shot gun and an AR-15 Rifle.  Lt. Kitson does not agree.  There will be further discussion on this topic at a later time.

The Selectmen’s office, the building inspector and the police department have been getting several calls regarding the trailer that is parked on Harvest Road.  The Selectmen’s office asked Lt. Kitson if the trailer was blocking the view of traffic.  Lt. Kitson stated that the trailer was not blocking the view of the intersection.  The trailer is not inhabited. The police are concerned that children might be getting into the trailer.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS: Deputy Chief Mike Paveligo asked if the November 9, 2004 can be revised.  He stated that he did not ask about the fire department paying its own bills, he stated that it was Selectman MacCleery was the person who mentioned this.  After further review it was discovered that it was Selectman MacCleery who mentioned the fire department paying its own bills.  THIS WILL SERVE AS CORRECTION TO THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 9, 2004.

Deputy Chief Paveligo is still waiting for Tepper to call back regarding fixing the leaky windows at the fire department.

Deputy Chief Paveligo stated that Millican Nursery wanted to donate an ATV mule to the fire station for use on trails.  Mr. Paveligo asked to be put on the agenda to obtain permission from the Board.

Selectman MacCleery asked the fire department about money they had in their budget for maintenance.  It was stated that the police department needs new carpet and new paint.  Lt. Kitson said he was a little hesitant about getting new carpet because Chief Clark wants to expand the police department.  Lt. Kitson stated that the department is running out of room for storing records and there was no room to interview witnesses or suspects.  Selectman DeBold stated that in the 2005 CIP plan there is $100,000 for a safety building upgrade.  The plans contained a 15’ x 30’ two story addition which contains a reception area, conference room and a general working area.  It was decided that the Board, Police Department and Fire Department would meet at the station after January 1, 2005 to discuss ideas and options to increase the area for the police department.  Selectman MacCleery stated that forming a “space needed committee” might be a good idea, this way the general public can get involved in the planning.

SUBJECT:  Road Agent

HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent David Kenneally stated that he attended a recent School Board Meeting.  He learned at the meeting that people on four-wheelers were cutting across the back of the school through the conservation area.  He was asked by the School Board if he could survey the area and advise as to what would be the best way to stop the four wheelers from cutting through the land.  Mr. Kenneally asked the Board if he could survey the area, advise and provide labor if needed.  The Board agreed that Mr. Kenneally could survey, advise and provide labor, but it is up to the school to provide all materials.

There was four to six inches drained off of Marsh’s Pond to relieve some of the pressure off the dam.  Mr. Cavacco the owner of Hillcrest Campground is concerned about the loss of fish in the pond.  

SUBJECT:  Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  At the request of the Selectmen’s office, Building Inspector, David Paveligo stopped by at 68 Kelley’s Corner Road.  There are renovations being made to the Day Care Center without a building permit.  Mr. Paveligo will issue a letter to the owner of the property stating that the owner must obtain a building permit.  

Mr. Paveligo received a call from Mr. Joe Austin regarding building permits for his development located on Dover Road.  Mr. Paveligo explained to Mr. Austin that impact fees must be paid and that he is only permitted three building permits.  Mr. Austin must be placed on the waiting list.  Mr. Paveligo is waiting on a ruling from the Attorney General’s office regarding approval of a 55 year old restriction.  Patty will send a letter to Mr. Austin outlining the above.

Mr. Paveligo and the Selectmen’s office received an anonymous call regarding a garage being erected on Mayflower Drive without a building permit.  The owner of the property obtained a building permit after construction was completed.  Patty will send a letter to the owner reminding them that a building permit is needed before any construction can be done.

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Jim Heggie met with the Selectmen regarding a contaminated well.  Mr.  Heggie owns property on Canterbury Road.  He stated that his well has been contaminated and has a high level of chloride.  Mr. Heggie stated that water from the hill feeds into the marsh area and then runs into his well.  He has had the water tested by Aqualab in December 2003, January 2004, February 2004, March 2004, April 2004 and May 2004.  The levels of chloride range from 230 mg/L to 430 mg/L.  Mr. Heggie contacted the State with these test results.  On October 4, 2004, Mr. Heggie received a letter from Mr. Michael Pillsbury of the Department of Transportation stating that “though the road is a State highway, but, maintained by the Town of Chichester, the Department of Transportation can not accept responsibility for damage to your water supply.”  Mr. Heggie met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss what help, if any, can be given to rectify the water situation.  Selectman DeBold stated that the office would contact the town attorney and seek advice from him.  Selectman DeBold said that he would like another water test done very shortly to investigate the conditions when no salt has been used for months.  Mr. Heggie said that he would contact Aqualab and have another test done before the roads are sanded and salted due to snow/ice.


General correspondence was reviewed.

Checks were signed

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned at 10:10PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery